Counter Space

As I cooked and served meals for my family this holiday season from my small kitchen (jokingly referred to as the postage stamp with a stove), I wished for the hundred millionth time… for more counter space.

In order to prepare meals inside my kitchen you must have trained as a juggler for Cirque de Soleil. Add to this, about half a dozen adults and one small toddler, coming in and out at intervals that would challenge the schedule of Grand Central Station, and you have a real circus!

Somehow, however illogically, I always felt the cramped feeling would go away if only I could somehow miraculously add more “counter space”.  I found myself wistfully sighing, once again, with longing for “linear largeness” as I fought to open my oven door all the way. This, while my backside jammed painfully against the wire baker’s rack behind me!

As I straightened up to rub my aching bottom, I could hear the laughter and joy coming from just beyond the kitchen doorway. Just then, my little grandson comes into the kitchen with his arms outstretched for a hug and his signature dimpled, lopsided grin.

As I lift him up into my arms for a snuggle, suddenly, I am aware of a delicious sense of spaciousness all around me.

The Tao # 11 says:

is mostly space
we move between
from place to place

Our being composed
mostly of space as well
without which we could not dwell

We benefit by the being…
yet the nothingness is essential.

I got that I “counter the space” around me with my thoughts of lack and limitation! I counter the space around me with believing that perfection can be bought at Home Depot or space measured in linear feet.

“The Space Between the nothing and being
is what makes things work for you and me!”

Enjoy all the Space that is around your life right now and offer it no “counter” at all!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. karmiceraser
    Jan 02, 2011 @ 14:27:24

    You make me realize that the traffic that clogs my kitchen, going between back door and living space, is really family stoping for a hug!


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