Responsible Happiness

“Happiness isn’t something that depends on our surroundings…It’s something we make inside ourselves.”
— Corrie ten Boom

It’s my birthday and like a thousand times before I am waiting
Waiting on my partner to create me some happiness!
But, my partner is… who my partner is… and there is no special birthday plan forthcoming.
Instead, I find myself feeling keenly disappointed and wondering why I am here…again?
My mind goes back to my childhood and the ghosts of birthdays past where I waited on my mother or others to make a special day… special.
I discover I have been in wait mode a long time, and at 44 years old, I am not too old to learn something new about me.
All that we need to be happy is within us. What a wonderful truth! It has nothing to do with the conditions or the content of our lives. We can all choose happiness at any moment.

You are not waiting to be happy. Happiness is waiting for you! 

A Course In Miracles Lesson 103 says:

“Happiness is an attribute of love. It cannot be apart from it. Nor can it be experienced where love is not. Love has no limits, being everywhere. And therefore joy is everywhere as well.”
There is much in life that we do not control. What we always have a say-so about, is the way we show up in our lives. The way we “respond” to life allows us to express and experience the Love that we are.
We are responsible for our own happiness!  Every-single-solitary-day!
(Including, but not limited to…birthdays!)
When we believe anything else, then we are giving our power away… and we place unrealistic expectations on someone else!
So go and get your happiness on!
Affirm this from A Course in Miracles Lesson 103:

God, being Love, is also happiness.

And it is happiness I seek today.

I cannot fail, because I seek the truth.

Has Happiness Found You Yet?

“Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.”~Hafiz




 Imagine for a moment that “happiness” was not something that you have to find, chase, or earn.

Imagine that happiness was not something that you could only experience based on the volatile circumstances and moveable situations in your current life experience.

Just think! No! Don’t do that!

Just feel and imagine that happiness actually knows you personally!

Isaiah 49:16 says that Happiness, also known as God…does know you personally:

“See, your name is marked on my hands; your walls are ever before me…”

Happiness is totally aware and informed about your circumstances….and guess what?

Happiness is looking for you right now!

Be still and know that I AM God!

Be still and stop running from happiness….


That’s happiness calling your namecan you hear it?

If you can….then just SMILE!

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